ASC Coed Volleyball Rules
Co-Ed Indoor 6’s
Our indoor volleyball league is recreational and follows USA Volleyball standard rules of play, unless noted below:
1A. All players must fill out a league waiver and have a valid Player’s Card to be eligible to play.
1B. Roster limit is 12.
1C. Team requirement – A team consists of 6 players, but may start with a minimum 4 players. A team must have at least two women on the court at all times. Teams may play with 1 female, but can then only play with 5 total players. A team cannot play without any females. There is no maximum number of females that can be on the court.
1D. To receive a forfeit win, a team must have its 6 (or minimum of 4 with 2 females) players on the court.
– if neither team can field a team, it is a double forfeit
1E. It is highly recommended that players NOT wear jewelry (i.e. chains, rings and earrings).
1F. Players must wear athletic shoes.
2A. Roster changes will be accepted via email, mail, and in person to the coordinator.
2B. All roster changes must be approved by the coordinator before the 2nd week of the season.
2C. No player changes will be accepted after 2nd week of the season and player changes will
not be accepted due to injury.
2D. A team will forfeit any game in which it is determined that a player has participated who is not
listed on the team roster or is not of legal age.
2E. Team manager must submit roster change and include the following:
– Team name, new player name and name of person being replaced.
– Valid Player Card
III. Pre-game
3A. If a team doesn’t have enough players at 5 minutes after game start time they will forfeit the first game of the match. After 15 minutes if they don’t have enough players then they forfeit the match.
3B. At the beginning of the game, a coin is tossed with the winning team choosing to either (1) select to serve or receive first ball OR (2) which side they want to start on. The team losing the toss takes the remaining choice.
4A. Best two-out-of-three games decide the match winner.
4B. If a team wins the first two games of the match they may still play the third for fun if time allows but the referee is not required to officiate.
4C. Rally Scoring Format is used for all games.
4D. First two games are to 25; third game is to 15 – must win by 2 in all games. Caps of 27 and 17.
4E. Each team gets one time out of 30 seconds duration per game.
4F. Intermissions between games will be a maximum of 1-minute.
5A. The ball may touch any part of the body (kicking IS allowed).
5B. The ball must be hit, not caught, or thrown.
5C. Plays involving finger action – if the play is defensive and reactive in nature, as in the case of a hard-driven ball, momentarily held or double-hit balls are NOT faults. If hitting with the fingers in cases of off-speed hit defense or setting, the action must be clean with no holding or double hitting.
6A. Four hits – a team hits the ball the ball 4 times before returning it
6B. Assisted hit – taking support of teammate or any structure/object in order to reach the ball
6C. Held ball – player does not hit the ball (unless when in defense of a hard-driven ball or when simultaneous contact by two opponents over the net leads to a momentary held ball)
6D. Double Contact – a player hits the ball twice in succession or the ball touches two different parts of his/her body
6E. Back row spiking or blocking in front of the attack line.
VII. Other Playing Rules
7A. Ball may contact any part of the body during a block.
7B. Blocking does NOT constitute a team contact, and any player may make the second contact of the ball after the block. The blocking team will have 3 contacts after the blocking contact.
7C. Any player can block.
7D. Players, including their clothing, cannot touch the net during play. It is NOT a fault if a ball driven into the net causes the net to touch the player.
7E. Players may go completely under the net to play a ball, but may not interfere with an opposing player.
7F. If a serve hits the net and goes over, it is in play. (“let serve rule”)
7G. Players may not block or attack-hit a serve when the ball is entirely above the top of the net.
7H. If any foreign object enters the court during play, the ball becomes dead. Replay the point.
7I. The site supervisor shall call violations involving unsportsmanlike conduct.
7J. A ball may be played out of the net.
7K. A player may go outside the court to play the ball.
7L. Balls in the rafters are still in play when over a team’s own court and falls back into team’s own court, provided they still have any hits left to get it across. Balls may NOT be played off of the side walls and/or curtain.
VIII. Substitutions
8A. Teams can only utilize a continuous rotation.
8B. Rotation order must stay the same throughout the game, but can be changed between games in the same match.
EXCEPTION TO 8A and 8B: Teams may utilize a male-only rotation format when there are only 2 females present. Or the males may sub for each other in the traditional format. Rotating only the females out is not allowed.
8C. Players must start in their rotational positions, but may switch right after the serve.
9A. Profanity and unsportsmanlike conduct can result in ejection and/or disqualification from future matches.
9B. Refunds will NOT be issued for ejections or suspensions for unsportsmanlike conduct.